A B2B Web Design Agency For Engineering & Tech Companies.
Does Your Website Attract Customers & Generate Leads?
If you’re a B2B organisation and your website isn’t performing, let’s start a conversation. For over 20 years we’ve been helping businesses thrive online and our track record speaks for itself.
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Are Your Ideal Customers Finding Your Website?
If you're a B2B organisation, your website has the potential to help you grow your business. Every day, people who need the products or services you offer turn to search engines looking for solutions. If those people don't find your website, they will find your competitors' websites.
Businesses like yours rely on us to create websites that perform in search and turn visitors into potential customers.
Our services cover everything required to build your website and world-class website management to ensure it's reliable and delivers what you need. Starting with the right strategy, design, technical build, content creation, and search engine marketing, our process-driven approach guarantees your online success.
If your website doesn't generate enquiries, we've got 20 years of expertise that will change the way your business uses the web.
When Glampitect prepared to launch new businesses in Dubai and the USA, they asked us for advice. We took the opportunity to redesign and rebuild the entire website in HubSpot CMS, giving them a fresh, new, multi-country website, created to generate leads.

The Website Your Business Needs
Web projects can be confusing and they have a reputation for being time-consuming. But if you distil down its purpose, it's simple.
The website your B2B organisation needs is one that gets found by your ideal customers and encourages them to make contact. Success depends on the design, messaging and content. The design should instil confidence in your brand and make you look credible, the messaging should tell a compelling story that builds on the design and the content makes sure your site gets found in the first place.
With these three things in place, a potential customer will type a search into Google, see you in the search results, click through to your site, like what they see and get in touch. It's a simple concept and something a B2B web design agency like us understands, not least because it's how we generate most of our own business opportunities. Here's what's involved in the five key ingredients.
A Design That Reassures And Builds Confidence
The main purpose of the design of your B2B website is to build confidence. It needs to make people feel that you're a credible organisation, a business they want to engage with.
The design needs to impress whilst staying out of the way. As Steve Krug's seminal book "Don't Make Me Think" spelt out so eloquently back in 2000.
Design is important and plays a key role in your website's success, especially when combined with the right message or story.

Tell A Compelling Story
You might think simply telling people what you do is enough to interest them and encourage them to engage in a conversation, but that's rarely the case. Humans revel in storytelling and stories play a key role in our everyday lives. If you want some proof grab a copy of Storybrand by Donald Miller.
Telling people a story about how you solve their business challenges is way more compelling than telling them what you do. Here's a simple storytelling example for a fictitious firm of accountants called Robb & Steel. Which one is a more compelling message?
"Certified Accounts For All Your Business Accounting Needs"
"Giving You The Financial Support Your Business Needs To Flourish And Grow"
The first example is OK, but it simply tells potential customers what they do. The second tells a different kind of story, it makes it clear Robb & Steel will take care of the financial aspects of a business leaving the owners to get on with growing and flourishing. Messaging matters and getting it right is as important as the design that presents it. Strong messaging combined with great design and fantastic content works every time.

Add Creative Content
Any credible B2B web design agency understands the power of content. In fact, content is in many respects the single most important aspect of a web design project, which might seem counter-intuitive, so we'll explain.
When your potential customers recognise they need help to solve a specific business challenge they turn to, amongst other things, Google. They then type questions into Google, and if you want those people to find your website then your content should answer these questions. Doing this is a proven methodology for securing new customers and is the first link in the chain of events that leads to an enquiry.
Too often B2B organisations focus on the look and feel of their website, the design, and pay little more than lip service to their content. This is often because creating killer content is hard, unless you're a B2B web design agency, for us, it's our bread and butter, it's what we excel at.

Your Website Is An Ongoing Endeavour
Your website can play a strategic role in your business development or business growth plans. By understanding who your ideal customers are and the problems they are trying to solve, you can create your website around the solutions to those problems that you provide, so your business is found online by the people you want to talk to.
The design or look and feel is an important piece of the jigsaw but success depends on so much more. That's why choosing to work with a B2B web design agency like us makes sense, we understand the whole process of creating a website that generates enquiries, and it's an ongoing process.
Any web design agency can create a great-looking website but agencies who specialise in business-to-business sites are different. They understand the need to create a tangible return on the investment made along with the required knowledge to choose the right systems and processes.
If you run a business-to-business organisation choosing a web partner specialising in B2B web design is the smart choice and an affordable digital marketing monthly retainer will deliver the ongoing effort required to succeed.

All Built On The Right Technology
Although the technology you use won't on its own help your site perform better in search, it will make a significant difference in the way you manage and progress the enquiries your new website generates. With the right tech stack including a suitable website content management system or CMS and customer relationship management system or CRM you'll be able to make sure you maximize all the new opportunities your new website creates.
We're big fans of HubSpot which combines a tool for building your website with a world-class CRM and email marketing tools. We've written a great blog post that explains HubSpot and its benefits.
If your organisation already successfully uses a CRM, we'll integrate it with your new website so all your new enquiries are easy to manage. Most if not all modern CRM's have easy integration methods and if that's not the case, we've got the skills to make it happen no matter what.
Ready To Discuss Your B2B Website Requirements?
You'll find our plain English approach refreshing, so please use this form to tell us about your project, and we'll contact you to arrange a convenient time to discuss it.
If you'd prefer to book a meeting right now, at a time that suits you, you can do that here.
We won't share your information or use it for any purpose other than to contact you to discuss your requirements.